ore Reach Needy

Benapur Bazaar Masjid, Kharagpur


Approval pending for this case

Talk To Case Creator

Imranul Haque



Case Details

Published On : 09/02/2025

Location : Benapur Bazar Masjid Benapur, kharagpur,Paschim Medinipur,West Bengal,721301.

Case Story:

This is the only masjid in the locality of 40 odd muslim families. The masjid runs short of space during Friday & Ramazan.  Plan is to add 1 more floor before Ramazan to accommodate more musallis. Alhamdulillah masjid  construction is in full swing, Plz Donate generously and take your share in Aakhirah 


0 Supporters

  • Zakat : Not Eligible
  • Sadqa : Not Eligible
  • Interest : Not Eligible