ore Reach Needy

Akram Pasha

Verified By : Shahnawaz Alam

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Talk To Case Creator

Imranul Haque



Case Details

Published On : 30/08/2023

Location : Mysore india

Case Story:

This brother had lost his entire business during the COVID-19 pandemic and was compelled to take loans from a few banks due to the inevitable situation. Initially, his business ran smoothly, and he was paying installment on-time However, during this period, his wife fell ill multiple times, leading to significant expenses for her treatment. This took a toll on his business, causing it to suffer as well. Unfortunately, he was unable to fully recover from these setbacks, and he has been making adjustments to manage his financial obligations. Currently, the situation has escalated to the point where the family had to leave their home a month ago. Our friends in mysore spoke to the bank and discussed the possibility of a one-time settlement. With rigorous persistance & dua the bank has agreed to one-time settlement. He needs to pay Rs. 1,00,000/- by the end of the month Our group in mysore has managed to raise Rs 75000/- and are falling short by Rs 25k. Please come forward to help this brother in distress...


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