ore Reach Needy

Mufti Iftekhar Qasmi

Verified By : Shabbir Sattar

Comments :

Talk To Case Creator

Asnul Ansari



Case Details

Published On : 01/02/2021

Location : Uttar Dinajpur

Case Story:

Ulemas are entitled as the heirs of the Prophet and have noble position in Islam. It's our utmost duty to help them to survive in this tough situation. Mufti Iftekhar Qasmi Sahab is from Uttar Dinajpur and he does not have a job for the last 9 months and still in search of a job for 2-3 months, to get a job in Kolkata. Please come forward to be with him to fight with this tough situation considering this a responsibility from Allah swt.


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2 Supporters

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